Blink-182 Flying Phobia | Scared of Flying

SCARED OF FLYING | Fear of Flying Tips

Blink-182’s drummer has a severe fear of flying which is disrupting the bands tour schedule. His flying phobia literally means that he has to take buses, trains and boat trips around the world in order to perform with the band.

In this situation a scary incident occurred a few years back which magnified the fear he already had of flying. Consciously and logically we all know that flying is safer than walking or driving, yet once our subconscious minds makes the fear link it is out of out control.

For many the only options are medication or a stiff drink at the airport. However there is a much quicker and easier way to “unravel” the fear of flying. I have helped many people rapidly overcome their fear of flying, often in the space of just 12 minutes using a cutting edge psychological tool which unravels the conditioned fear response in the manner that hasn’t been possible before.

The good news is that this technique is now available in a self help capacity and I fully endorse it. It comes with a guarantee of success, not only of having a happy and calm flight, but also a guarantee that any fear you feel now will disappear within a couple of listens to the fear eraser.

My fear of flying advice is to start with this product: Fear of flying courses are very expensive and relatively ineffective as are most other methods people use to “mask” their fears. This is so powerful and reliable that it is a no-brainer. In the very unlikely event that this doesn’t completely shift all of your fear, then get in touch with me. The chances are that your fear is a much more complex one, involving far more than just a fear of flying. Fear of Flying courses will have no chance when it comes to dealing with a complex phobia.

Fear of Flying Medication